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Cewek Punya Bulu Ketek?

Guys.. apa yang lo pikirin kalo denger ada cewek yang bulu keteknya gondrong?
Sexy.. Jorok.. atau unik?

Belakangan, lagi marak tren cewek gak cukur bulu keteknya, terus foto, terus upload di instagram.. Mereka selfie dengan nunjukkin bulu ketek yang mereka miliki, dan berasumsi bahwa itu merupakan bagian dari ekspresi kebebasan akan tubuhnya.
Mereka menganggap, cewek gak harus tampil bersih dengan rutin melakukan waxing bulu ketek, karena mereka bebas mau tampil gimanapun tanpa peduli anggapan orang lain yang liat.
Intinya.. mereka ingin menerapkan standar baru di atas stereotype yang menyebut bahwa kecantikan seorang cewek itu cuma bisa dilihat kalo dia tampil bersih.

Nah.. kira-kira, lo lebih suka yang mana sih? Lebih milih untuk tampil bersih dengan mengikuti standar kecantikan yang dari dulu ada, atau tampil "liar" seperti yang ditunjukkin orang-orang berikut ini?

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If you’re a person who is open to growing and learning regardless of your age, I salute you! ✨ If you’re a person who, when presented with new information that contradicts what you once thought, will admit you were previously speaking from a less informed place… and publicly admit that you changed your mind based on the new information… I double salute you! ❤️ This is SUCH a simple concept, but so many adults prove they are unable to do it. Most children have mastered this concept, yet so many adults fail at this time and time again, letting their egos get in the way. ๐Ÿ’” None of us are perfect. That’s exactly what this is about. Learning, admitting we were wrong, and changing our behaviours based on the new information. So simple. Yet so difficult for many. This is something I will probably be working on for the rest of my life. I am somewhat still conditioned to try to protect my ego. But I can be aware of this and remember what I mentioned above. Then grow.

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For the ladies reading this, how many of you know what your armpit hair looks like fully grown? (I mean fully grown out and not just the 1-2 week stubble) I asked myself this question too because I’d been shaving/waxing since those dark hairs invaded my underarms (despite my wise mother telling me I shouldn’t). “It just looks better” ya ya ya, then why do (mostly) women get the pressure of removing those beneficial hairs? Grr #equality So thanks to rare shower access living in the ๐ŸšŒ, it was the right time to let them go wild! . And it’s great!!! It’s one less thing to do or think about, it’s super comfortable, and has been a great self-love exercise. I quickly realized very few would judge me for being natural, and those who would shouldn’t be in my life? Harsh? Idk… I’d feel naked without it so I challenge you to try growing yours out this winter. Remember you don’t have to please others, armpit hair is beautiful, and if you want to shave again come summer time, it will always grow back when you want ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ“Photo 1: Baja California Sud ๐Ÿ“Photo 2: Croatia

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A post for my pits because I want to ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ’š I'm not the first woman to venture the natural path and dye thy pits, and I wont be the last, but I have had fun getting to know what it's like to feel the breeze under my arms in a different, sometimes smelly or itchy way. It's freeing to me but I'm also not saying I want this forever, I just like breaking the bounds of society that are make believe because I believe this should not be a gross thing for a woman to do at all and should certainly never be a thing to be shamed for by a lover or anyone. I did it for no other reason than I want to be a little more fairy-like/mystical haha I'm actually really shy about showing them in public without a care but I also feel like it's an important side of me to share... So I'm posting to the public this once...o.O doesn't really make sense but it does to me so whatever ๐Ÿ˜‚. Also, swipe for a flashback from 2015 when this was alllll just a joke, and my dreams of growing my pits started, and they came true. So if my dreams can come true, so can yours!!! ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜‰ . . #postforpits #radioactive #armpithair #dyedarmpits #greendaylol #fairiepits #imradioactive #womanarmpit

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